The Institut de Genech works in partnership with the University of Applied Sciences CAH Vilentum of Almere (The Netherlands) and offers trainings courses in HND leading to the “European Bachelor Degree”. It is aimed at any student having an HND, a technology degree or someone who has been studying two years in the university. Obviously, these students must be motivated and interested in having a European or even an international experience.




1st option: innovation and rural development


Program in three semesters (18 months)


  • Complementarity and differences of agricultural development approaches in both countries. Focus on tradition, dynamic of territories and durability.
  • Research on the value added of the sector from the agricultural business to establishing a marketing launch site. It is a multidimensional approach.
  • Conception and supervision of innovative projects evaluating their impact on the business and the territory. Implementing a “business plan”.
  • Active educational methods and role-playings based on agricultural companies orders as well as private and public actors.
  • International-oriented thanks to exchanges and European meetings.


2nd option: sustainable landscaping and urban land settlement


Program in three semesters (18 months)


  • Complementarity of territorial and landscaping approaches
  • Experimentation of the plastic dimension in a land settlement project
  • Working on landscapes in objective and subjective ways
  • Active educational methods and role-playings based on public and private actors’ orders
  • International-oriented thanks to exchanges and European meetings


Site of study


The training courses are both in Genech and in Almere, the Netherlands. This double site allows the students to develop an international network in their area of expertise. They get more efficient and adaptable, they handle complex projects in a professional context.


Do you want to join us?


The application file can be downloaded here. (lien)


A jury will study your file and you will be asked to attend an interview in English.


To learn more, click here (lien)