The Institut de Genech certified ISO 14001
The Institut de Genech is working with the association “Terr’Avenir” to develop and improve its environmental management. The objective is to reduce the negative impact of our activity on the environment through different technical methods. Moreover we are committing to emphasize security and improve our performances. To do this, we organize meetings and trainings to let our employees know about the new technics existing or renewable energies offered for example.
We want to raise awareness among future farmers. Our goal is to keep them informed of tomorrow issues in agriculture and to deal with sustainable development. Basically, with ISO 14001, what we want is to analyze our practices, improve our way of working, respect the environmental rules and to raise awareness among our partners about all this.
The Institut de Genech and the Ecophyto Plan of 2018
This plan aims at reducing about 50% of pesticides use from now up to 2018. This is all about creating, evaluating and building up new educational situations through innovation. The Institut de Genech brings its knowledge in mixed farming. The objective of this plan is to make our students aware of sustainable development.
Our “Gold Flavor” Label
We launched in 2004 a regional brand “Saveur en’Or” with more than 600 different products. The aim was to offer products produced locally with ingredients from our region. Our two emblematic products are apple juice and organic apple juice.