Network of schools associated with Unesco
Created in 1953, the network of schools associated with Unesco is implanted in more than 180 countries, gathering around 10,000 approved schools. The Institut de Genech is part of it.
Activities and priorities
Based on common programs of knowledge and competences established by the Department for Education, Higher Education and Research, French schools associated with Unesco are committed to implement innovative cross-disciplinary projects, widely opened to international issues.
5 expert teachers, national referents, are available for schools belonging to the network to implement projects of their area of expertise. These themes are the following ones: sustainable development and worldwide citizenship, intercultural dialogue, peace and human rights, heritage, worldwide issues and international solidarity.
Schools membership is based on voluntary work. It implies the school staff and director’s commitment for around three years. The actions implemented are linked with the specificities of the school while contributing to the achievement of Unesco’s goals.
Associated schools Label – Unesco
It highlights the school’s works, it ensures it an openness to the world, it facilitates partnerships and put into practice different kind of cooperation. This label Unesco is a quality and excellence label which recognizes the innovative educational methods efforts of the school.